The path I followed during my research.

What Remains
Meditation on a landscape

“Everything was suddenly vast. The continental threshold had become a boulevard – the linearity of my exploration; sun and sand were now personal territory that I was beginning to like more and more.”

Paul Virilio, Bunker Archeology, 1975

The grey, monumental and eroded bunker lies in profound connection with the natural landscapes amongst the dunes of the Jammerbugten bay. a group of surfers swim and slide Into the mist of the North Sea, like a pack of playful seals. when every afternoon the fishermen came back from work, boats are stranded on the beach of Torup like in a living museum. Wind and silence are the musical accompaniment to this land. This is the West Cost of Denmark. During the last decades the rural depopulation of the west coast of Jutland peninsula has been a constant warning phenomenon. the lack of manpower, which moved to the urban areas on the east, affected Traditional activities as fishing and farming. Now summer tourism remains the main income of this region. Parts of this coast seem to be left behind in time and space: thousand of WWII’s bunkers are scattered along their beaches. I travelled along this area, photographing everything that lives in this almost forgotten area of the country. I wanted to discover the connections between the human and the natural world in this multicoated area. Here I focused on the traces left by the hand of the man on the nature and, vice-versa, on the intimate bonds that links the people to this harsh coast. The images isolate the elements that create this environment in order to show this land at his very basic. This happens through the journey I made in this lands, in the discovery of these elements: the gaze is guided where it seems there is nothing to see. Despite the prevailing sense of the works could be considered artistic, the places that I photographed are real; the documentary value of my picture intends to show the beauty and the unseen richness of this part of Denmark.